Give Me That Scripture in the Bible Our Father Which Art in Heaven

There is no beloved like the dear of our Heavenly Father. Hither are 7 Bible verses about the Father's dear.

Iv weeks ago our first child, Judah Cai Lincoln, was born into the world. Existence autonomously of the entire process from the very first moment we found out we were meaning was a constant flood of excitement and joy.

Fifty-fifty though every day that past by and every celebration we had as we eagerly awaited the nascency of our son increased that joy and excitement we had, cipher prepared me for the overwhelming feeling I would take as I held my newborn son in my arms for the first time.

As I held Judah in my arms I caught a small glimpse of what our Heavenly Begetter must feel for us equally he holds us in His arms.

I felt as though I would give anything for him, do anything for him, and there is nothing in this world that could keep me from loving him. For the first time, all of the scriptures nearly the Father's love had such a deeper more personal significant to me.

Parenthood is such an amazing blessing that our Father has bestowed upon the states. Information technology's something to truly be celebrated and cherished. It'southward a powerful gift that non just brings us great joy but allows us to have a deeper understanding of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us.

Here are vii verses about the Father's beloved!

vii Beautiful Verses About The Father'southward Love

1. John 3:sixteen – His Dearest Is Sacrificial

"For God so loved the globe that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish just accept eternal life."  John three:sixteen

Our Heavenly Father loves the states then much that He gave His but begotten son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this to give us new life and so that nosotros could spend eternity with Him.

This is true, sacrificial, and unconditional love.

ii. ane John 3:1 – We Are Called His Children

"See what neat love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!.." 1 John 3:1

Not only does God love us but He has adopted u.s. into His family calling us sons and daughters. Every bit Christians, we have to stride into the total understanding of this, living our lives every bit though we believe this to exist true.

This poesy makes me think of all the feelings I felt the very showtime time I held my son Judah in my artillery. I knew in my heart there was zip I would non practice for my son, God feels the same way most us!

three. Matthew 18:12-14 – He Leaves The 99

"What do you call back? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and i of them wanders away, volition he not go out the 90-9 on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds information technology, truly I tell you, he is happier about that ane sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same mode, your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish." Matthew 18:12-14

Our Heavenly Father loves each of u.s.a. like in that location is only one of the states. This is probably the hardest concept to grasp when we get-go come up to Christ. It'due south hard to believe that with so many Christians in the world, God could have and then much dear for but ane of us.

There are about 2.2 billion people in this earth who identify as Christians that'south well-nigh ane-tertiary of the earth's population! At present whether or non all of these people really know Jesus as their personal Savior is a whole other discussion but withal, the Father loves the states so much that He is willing to go out the entire flock in order to bring 1 of us dorsum to Him!

four. Matthew vii:ix-eleven – He Gives Us Good Gifts

"Which of you, if your son asks for staff of life, will requite him a rock? Or if he asks for a fish, volition give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven requite expert gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:11-12

Our Heavenly Father is so practiced to the states. He loves united states, is for u.s., and volition give u.s. the desires of our center every bit we delight in Him.

Now if you are praying right now for a new sports auto or worldly possession you are really missing the bespeak. When we learn to truly please in Him we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and that'due south when we can begin to understand His practiced and perfect will.

As we come to this understanding we gain conviction in approaching God because we know that what we ask is according to His volition not our own. At that point, nosotros know that nosotros accept what we asked of Him!

5. Matthew half dozen:eight – He Knows Earlier We Inquire

"And when you pray, practise non keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do non exist similar them, for your Father knows what you demand before you enquire him." Matthew 6:8

One common thing I always see in new Christians is this fear or uncertainty of how they should pray. Similar in that location is some special mode to do it in order to be heard.

Our Father loves us more than than nosotros volition ever understand or imagine in this lifetime and He knows what nosotros need even earlier we ask. As children of God, nosotros need to stand in this truth and allow what is on our hearts to pour out to Him in thanksgiving, prayer, and trust that our prayers are heard no matter how long or how "well" we pray considering He already knows what we need before we even ask!

vi. John 14:fifteen-17 – He Gives The states His Spirit

"If you love me, continue my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you lot another abet to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth." John 14:fifteen-17

The first and greatest souvenir we receive as we become children of our Heavenly Father through faith in Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit. This is the greatest example of the truth of number iv and 5 on our list.

The Holy Spirit guides us through the scriptures and into all the truth. This peachy gift of God is the souvenir of God Himself and His spirit is what empowers u.s. to become true children of God and followers of Christ!

vii. Romans 8:15-xvi – His Spirit Testifies To Our Spirit

"The Spirit y'all received does not make you slaves, so that you lot live in fright again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship And by him nosotros cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that nosotros are God'south children."  Romans 8:15-16

The spirit not merely empowers us to walk similar Jesus did but the Spirit of God testifies with our spirit that we are God'due south Children!

This internal testimony is the main reason that I know for sure in my heart that Jesus is God! After being born again I was transformed from the within out, made into a completely new creation! Not only did others discover this desperate life change merely I noticed a difference inside of me and realized that it was non I who changed who I was but Christ in me!

Every time I look at my beautiful child it reminds me of how beautiful nosotros are in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Becoming a male parent has truly opened my eyes to a fuller understanding of the verses in the bible that talk nearly God's dearest for us.

These are merely a handful of verses well-nigh how wide, long, loftier, and deep is the love of God. His love is and so great that He gave His one and merely son for the states, to free u.s.a. from the bondage of sin and transform us into who we were truly created to be!

How great is the dear of our God!

Also,  check out our church building'due south near recent sermon beneath! For more than sermons check out our church website:!

Hey Friends! I am Nick Lincoln a co-founder hither at Abide and Seek. Besides writing articles to spread the light of Jesus throughout the world, I also enjoy playing music, working out, and spending quality time with my family and friends! My prayer is that past sharing my experiences and the struggles I have faced before coming to Christ, the world can see the life-changing power of a life lived in the light of Jesus Christ!


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